
We strive to prevent you from any kind of fraud in the name of CM-Equity AG.

If you have been approached by a suspicious source asking for personal or financial details, please let us know by filling the form below. We will contact you regarding the authenticity of the source and report all fraudulent activites to concerned vigilance bodies.

CM-Equity AG is neither contacting its clients asking for personal details nor do we engage in cold calling. Please be aware of fake calls and e-mails sent out under our brand. Please do not sign any contract or transfer any money if you have doubts about the authenticity!

Please fill out the form below if you have received any suspicious calls or e-mails recently. We will come back to you as soon as possible.

Please make sure that you are not sending us any personal bank details!

Our Licenses

  • Investment Brokerage: §2 Sec. 2 Nr. 3 WpIG
  • Investment Advice : §2 Sec. 2 Nr. 4 WpIG
  • Placement Transactions: §2 Sec. 2 Nr. 8
  • Contract Brokerage : §2 Sec. 2 Nr. 5 WpIG
  • Portfolio Management: §2 Sec. 2 Nr. 9 WpIG
  • Proprietary Trading: §2 Sec. 2 Nr. 10 WpIG
  • Proprietary Business: §15 Sec. 3 WpIG



We are 100% fully compliant financial institution